Landscape Water Features Are They Really Worth It?

In the past, the only water feature people cared about was a pool. As time has gone on homeowner’s tastes have changed and we now see fountains, lakes, ponds, splash pads, and even pools specifically designed for your dog. But before you contact your preferred landscape design company ask yourself, is it really worth it?

Don’t Measure Your Water Feature’s Worth in Added Home Value

While it is a common belief that homeowners expect a water feature to add value to their home, it is ironic that it can have the opposite effect. Water Features such as a waterfall or fountain are not always considered to be as valuable as other forms of hardscaping and landscaping, because they are not universally desired.

Almost any homeowner would be thrilled with a patio or deck in their prospective new home, but the same cannot always be said for pools and ponds. In fact, in some cases, potential buyers will see the water feature as a maintenance problem.

Consider The Value Of Your Water Feature In Terms How It Benefits You

Will owning an elegant waterfall that streams into a pond vibrant will enhance your life? Maybe the sounds of flowing water will help you feel more at peace, or a pond may allow you to indulge in your love of water fauna and koi. No matter what the benefits are ensure that you put them in a perspective of how it benefits you personally not the value of your home.

Don’t Just Settle For Any Water Feature

There are several options when it comes to selecting a water feature for your yard, but it is very common for homeowners to settle for whatever is common or relatively expensive. This can lead to a multitude of problems such as low-quality parts, unexpected maintenance, and unmet expectations.

Some water features will require daily maintenance, so before you pick one, ensure that you are going to enjoy and admire it enough for the effort to be truly worth it. Your brand new water feature will not benefit your lifestyle the way you intended if it becomes an unwanted chore or headache.

Regardless of what type of water feature you have an interest in, it is a good idea to do research and discuss your plans with a landscape designer. Even if you plan to do the installation yourself a landscape designer can provide you with insightful tips and info that will help you successfully add a water feature to your home.

Affordable Dreams Landscape offers high-quality custom landscaping design including elegant water features to the residents of Utah.

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