6 Useful Quick Cleaning Tips To Prepare Home For Your Newborn

Having a baby can be an exciting time in your life. But that does not mean it is all rainbows and unicorns.

Parenting is exhausting, especially if it is your first rodeo. Hence, you should prepare yourself for the coming additional family member.

This includes having an organized and clean nursery.

If you are expecting and currently in your nesting period, perhaps these six deep cleaning tips can help you stay occupied:

1. Nothing beats decluttering

The moment you know you will become a parent is the best time to declutter your room.

Get rid of that old sweater you haven’t worn for years! Better yet, clear your closet of old items and have a garage sale. That way, you can have the funds to buy the things that your baby will need.

If possible, get rid of any unnecessary stuff you haven’t used for the last six months. Some of your baby’s new things will have proper placement, and if you don’t declutter, you won’t be able to make use of that space.

If you live in a multi-level house, make sure that you have a readily available basket at the bottom of the stairs. Avoid bringing your baby up and down the stairs when you’re carrying other things.

That’s because 25 percent of injuries on babies younger than one year happened when they’ve been carried up and down the staircase.

2. Organize with storage and label

Make sure that all baby-related stays organized and within reach.

The last thing you want is to have a crying newborn and wind up frustrated because you couldn’t search for missing items.

At Maid Sailors, a commercial cleaning services austin company, we usually help clients organize their baby stuff in the closet, drawers, and labeled bins. You might also want to invest in portable shelf cases to store baby clothes, toys, diapers, feeding items, and so on.

To keep things tidy, keep these things perpendicular and parallel to the wall. You might also want to contact a professional home cleaner.

3. Get to dusting

Babies are susceptible to dust. That’s why you should dust everything thoroughly, including collectibles, furniture, and picture frames.

Make sure that you get rid of cobwebs from baseboards and ceilings, too.

Electronics also tend to gather a lot of dust, so don’t miss cleaning behind computers and televisions to ensure that they’re dust-free.

Change the filter of your furnace at least a week after your baby arrives, as well.

4. Clean the carpet

Over time, carpets accumulate dust, dirt, allergens, and other pollutants that affect indoor air quality. In the same way, carpets can be a potential breeding ground for bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

One of the most practical solutions to clean your carpets and rugs is to have them sanitized by experts. Although your newborn baby may not crawl yet, it won’t take long for your little one to scoot around the floor.

So, you have to ensure that every surface in your home stays spotless.

5. Disinfect the kitchen

It doesn’t matter whether you’re bottle or breastfeeding. You should thoroughly disinfect the kitchen area as you do not want to cross-contaminate your baby’s feeding bottles.

Make sure that countertops are deep-cleaned. Wipe and sanitize appliances, cabinets, and drawers as well.

Ideally, this area should be regularly disinfected to prevent the risk of contaminating your baby’s food.

You should also designate a spot in your fridge where you can place some of your baby’s items.

6. Do laundry beforehand

Washing and folding your baby’s clothes may be something that a lot of moms-to-be don’t mind until it’s already there.

So, make sure that you do the laundry ahead of time and remove all tags and labels that you think might irritate your baby’s sensitive skin.

For your detergent, pick something free of dyes and perfumes. You may even find baby-friendly laundry detergents.

Over to You

Although they may build their immunity rather quickly, your house can compromise your baby’s health and safety if you are not careful.

And an excellent way to do that is to clean your home before you give birth. You and your spouse can work on it, or you can hire a professional home cleaner.

Regardless, it will ensure that you will be bringing your new family member to a pristine home.

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